Rebbe Nosson Dovid Rabinowich, the grandfather of Rabbi Dr. Nosson Dovid Rabinowich

The Upcoming Yartzheit of the Partzeva Rebbe (OBM), Rebbe Nosson Dovid Rabinowich, the grandfather of Rabbi Dr. Nosson Dovid Rabinowich (on 7 Shevat 5776/January 16, 2016), Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Bo.

On 7 Shevat, 5776, the yartzheit of the Partzeve Rebbe will be commemorated by his grandsons, the Dinover Rebbe, shlita, and Rabbi Dr. Nosson Dovid Rabinowich at a “tish” in the Dinover Beis Medresh at 77 Wallabout Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York.
It is now eighty-six years since his passing and B”H he has even merited a fifth generation of religious grandchildren!
Although many of his children, Dr. Rabinowich’s uncles and aunts, perished in the Holocaust, five of them miraculously survived those terrible years and have left a few generations of descendants, some of them who are still Shomer Shabbat!
Those that perished in the holocaust:
  1. From his first wife, Leah Raizel, daughter of Rebbe Yechiel Yaakov of Koznitz
    • Faige Gittel, her husband, R’Aaron of Stolin and their children ( 11 Menachem Av ,1942)
    • Reb Moshe Yechiel Elimelech Admor of Lebertov and his wife Chaya Miriam and children Yitzchok, Chaim and Raizel (d. Shabbat Kodesh, 27 Sivan 1941)
  2. From his second wife, Yuta , of blessed memory, the daughter of Rebbe Moshe Yehuda Leib Shapira of Strizow(d. 2 Marcheshvan, 1918)
    • Yitzchak Yaakov, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1043
 The Partzeva Rebbe left his “Divrei Torah” in manuscript and were first published in 1983 fifty-three years after his death by Rabbi Dr. Nosson Dovid Rabinowich. In 2012 Dr. Rabinowich published a second edition with many additions including one of the most complete genealogical works dealing with Polish rabbis and Admonim. It also includes a fascinating essay entitled: “Partzeva of Belov and Partzeva of Abore” by his son, the Munkatcher Rebbe, Rebbe Baruch Y.Y. Rabinowich, OBM. This new edition, published with the enthusiastic support of Reb Tzvi Ysrael Snider Esq., of Baltimore, includes a beautiful introduction to the genealogical section, elaborating on the importance of ‘holy lineage, ’ by the Munkatcher Rebbe, mentioned earlier.
May the Partzeva Rebbe’s holy memory be blessed.

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